
Modified on Sun, 11 Jan 2015 14:38 by Administrator — Categorized as: eCert Chamber

A Layout defines where stamps, signatures and text, that you have previously added/ uploaded, will appear on a specific document.For example, eCert WebDocs will always produce submissions with identical document layouts. Consequently, setting up a standard Webdocs layout for the Certificate of Origin, Packing List and Commercial Invoice will save you time having to manage the placement of stamps, signatures and text each time you process a document of that type.

Once set up, it is just a matter of associating each member with their appropriate layout within the Member Details section of the application. For example, a member that submits their documents via eCert Webdocs would be assigned your chamber’s WebDocs Layout.

Learn how to setup layouts using eCert Chamber by watching this demonstration and consulting the user guide below.

From the eCert Chamber Menu select Chamber Management – Layouts

Create a Layout

To create a new layout, go to Chamber Management menu and select Layouts. The Layouts window opens up. Click Add Layout.


1. Enter the new layout name e.g. Standard WebDocs Certificate of Origin.

2. Specify the submission method that this document layout is related to.

3. You will then need to upload a PDF file of that document by browsing for it on your computer. Select the document type from the list and press ADD. Browse to the PDF template that outlines that document type.Please note, this PDF should be a blank copy of the document.This will then used as the master document when positioning the stamps into place.You must select each document type that you may receive for this type of submission.

4. Click on Add Document. This will then display in the Document List box.

5. Repeat step 3 – 4 for each document type.

6. Click on Save to save the layout.

Position stamps onto an Existing Layout

To learn how to select and position stamps, signatures and text on each document using drag and drop functionality Click Here.